Eudlanders: Stories of Eudlo's Past
Hard cover history book by Keith Boyle
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Stories of Eudlo's Past
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by Keith Boyle
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Hard cover history book by Keith Boyle
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"Settlement and sawmills; bushrangers and urban myths; tragedy, sacrifice and scandal. This history book, told primarily in a story-telling style, is more than just a dry account of dates. It brings to life the character of the people of Eudlo on the Queensland North Coast (now the Sunshine Coast). The opening chapter instances interactions between the first settlers of this region and the local Indigenous peoples, revealing an astuteness of mind coupled with acts of kindness, courage, and resistance. It ends with an overview that offers some insight into the depletion of the local Aboriginal population. Early storie sfrom the 1880s follow, which speak of the resourcefulness of the pioneers and their struggles with the natural environment; how they forged a living and generally prospered through hard work and resilience. The book details the establishment of roads, the coming of the railway and the founding of commerce. Stories are recorded of war experiences, Antarctic exploration, acts of bravery and community spirit. The author provides background and context to many of the stories, placing them beyond the purely local to link Eudlo to the course of national and worldevents. Content is sourced from interviews, newspaper articles, photographic archives, and oral recordings, covering a period from settlement days to the mid 20th century. A highly accessible book of short tales that characterises a community with stoic roots and large hearts, founded on hard work and friendship and unafraid of the odd eccentricity. A must-read for locals of the Eudlo and surrounding areas and a great gift for anyone who likes a good historical tale." Maryann Uechtritz, Eudlo, November 2024
"Keith Boyle is a well-respected former secondary school English and History teacher of 42 years. His qualities as a storyteller however, extend well beyond the academic; he loves a good yarn and seems to have been born with a singular aptitude for lifting everyday recount out of the ordinary and infusing it with his own particular brand of sharp-witted quirkiness. A child of the counterculture era, he maintains a somewhat wicked glee in contrasting the failures of the establishment with those who had the at-times foolhardy courage to challenge old constructs. When it comes to history though, be sure that he affords it the respect it is due. A good neighbour and a good friend blessed with an indefatigable cheery outlook on lie, Keith's compilation of "Eudlanders; Stories of Eudlo's Past", is a labour of love, and one that we would be much the poorer without," - MaryAnn Uechtritz
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Bank Details for EFTPOS payment:
Acc. Name: Keith Boyle
BSB: 514 179
Acc.#: 1102855
If you make an EFTPOS payment you MUST NOTIFY Keith using the form at the bottom of this page.
Book: $40 & if postage required add: $20 per book
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